image Account High Level Dashboard - Google Ads & Facebook Ads


Facebook and Google, known as the digital duopoly for their dominance of the advertising market, control more than 53% (29% for google, 24% for facebook) of this market. This means that most marketers depend on these two platforms to run their campaigns ๐Ÿ‘Š

This being said, it becomes clear that monitoring Google Ads and Facebook Ads accounts and how they are performing in time is necessary. Nevertheless two problems need to be tackled:

  • Two different platforms are needed to see the necessary data.
  • There are hundreds if not thousands of metrics and dimensions. Full list of metrics for Google Ads can be found here, for Facebook Ads, it can be found here).

The solution is to use a template built by professionals to give you an overview of the KPIs you need to make sure your marketing accounts are performing as expected.

Repozix Google Ads & Facebook Ads account overview dashboards will

  • Show important KPIs from Google Ads and Facebook Ads in the same dashboard for the selected date range (by default Last Month).
  • For Google Ads: monitor Total Amount Spent, Average CTR, Average Cost/Conversion, Clicks, Impressions, CPC and Conversions
  • For Facebook Ads: Total Amount Spent, Total Link Clicks, Clicks, Impressions, CPC, CTR and Link Clicks
  • Metrics are shown in two different ways: one aggregated value on a tile and variations through time.
  • The values you have in the different tiles are aggregated using one of 4 functions: min, max, sum and average
  • A right axis is used when metrics with different scales are shown on the same widget: Number of Clicks and Average CPC for Google Ads; CTR and CPC for Facebook Ads.

A live preview

Check out a live preview of this dashboard Google Ads & Facebook Ads.

Try it

This is the best part, it takes less than a minute to try this report and use it for your reporting. We hope that the process is easy-peasy ๐Ÿ™ƒ.

  1. Login to your Repozix account.
  2. Connect a Google Ads and a Facebook Ads datasource.
  3. Choose this template: Google Ads & Facebook Ads - Account High Level.
  4. Fill in the form : report name, date range and specify the desired Google Ads and Facebook Ads datasource.

    image Account High Level Dashboard - Google Ads & Facebook Ads Form

    Hit Create Report and VOILA !

    Want more ? Please checkout the list of our templates where we have templates for Google Ads, Facebook Ads and other platforms.