• Save Time & Effort
  • Gather All your Data in One Report
  • Gain Insights & Value

Create Insightful VBOUT Reports

Follow a few simple steps to gain access to our reports:

Connect your VBOUT Account

All the Metrics You Need

We offer all the metrics you need to create your reports, a few of them are mentioned below:

  • Opens: the number of opens.
  • Open Rate: the number of opens divided by the number of sent emails.
  • Unopened: the number of unopened emails.
  • Unopened Rate: the number of unopened emails divided by the number of sent emails.
  • Bounced: the number of bounced emails.
  • Bounce Rate: the number of bounced emails divided by the number of sent emails.
  • Unsubscribed: the number of people who unsubscribed.

A metric is missing?

In case a metric is missing, please get in touch and we will be happy to add your metrics.

Get More Insights Using Dimensions

Analyse your metrics across different dimensions to gain deep insights:

For now we only have the Time dimension for this integration.

A dimension is missing?

In case a dimension is missing, please get in touch and we will be happy to add it.